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We offer you the interpretation of dreams and visions for free 2021 through the site of your topic. We will tour together in the world of dreams and visions, who searches a lot for interpretation of a dream or a vision he saw in a dream in order to identify the signs in the dream or know the meaning of messages and warnings in these dreams
Interpretation of drowning in the pool
Interpretation of drowning in sand
Interpretation of drowning in a dream
Interpretation of drowning in clay
Interpretation of drowning in torrent
Interpretation of drowning in the sea and out of it
Interpretation of drowning in a dream by Ibn Sirin
Whoever sees as if he has drowned and sank in the sea, then the Sultan will destroy him, and if he sees as if he has drowned and made himself dive and float once and move his hands and feet, then he will gain wealth and the state, and if he sees as if he came out of it and did not drown, then he returns to the matter of religion, especially if he saw green clothes on himself
A dream about a vision of drowning: whoever sees that he drowned in the sea and then escaped from it, then he is drowning in worldly matters and its ordeals, then he gets rid of that. It is drowning in the worry of this world, according to the saying of some Arabs, so-and-so, drowned in bliss
Whoever sees in a dream that he has drowned is in Hell, because God Almighty says: (From what their sins they drowned, then they entered fire)
And whoever sees that he is drowning, then he commits many sins, and if he dies in his drowning then there will be fear for him disbelief, or he will drown in heresy.
And if he goes out and does not drown, then he leads to the matter of his worldly affairs to the goodness of his religion, and if he has green clothes on him, he will attain piety knowledge
And if he sinks and sinks in the decision of the sea, then the Sultan angers or torments him, so he dies in that torment
And if an unbeliever sees that he has drowned in a sea, then he believes that God Almighty says: (Even if drowning catches him
He said: I believed that there is no god but the one whom the children of Israel believed in, and I am from the Muslims.
And whoever saw that he died drowning in the water, his enemy would have liked it
And drowning in pure water drowned in a lot of money
Drowning is not good, for God Almighty has drowned the people of Noah, Pharaoh, and others.
Drowned: Whoever sees that he has drowned is in the fire, and whoever sees that he is drowning in the sea and sinks and floats, he is drowning in the matter of his world and becomes rich
Interpretation of Miller’s drowning in a dream
If you dream of drowning, then this indicates a loss of wealth and life, but if you survive, you will rise from your current situation to an affluent and honorable position. If you see others drowning and you see yourself trying to save them, then this means that you will help a friend to rise to high positions and this will bring you the happiness you deserve. If a girl dreams that she sees her lover drowning, then this indicates the death of her father or mother
Some see that the sea in a dream or drowning in it is a bad thing and a sign of the occurrence of evil nearby, but in fact I repeat and I remember that there is no single sign of a symbol, and that the vision must be heard in full with all its symbols, but as long as we talk now about this symbol, I say that the significance of the sea Or for drowning in it is not always a bad thing, such as: For the student, it may indicate an increase in depth in knowledge and specialization in a specialization, but for the merchant, the sea may be the market in which he works, and for the sinner and the sinner, it may be a drowning of repentance and contemplation of the saying of the Most High: “Even if drowning catches him, he said you are safe There is no god but the one whom the children of Israel believed ”(Yunus: 90).
The significance of swimming and immersion and drowning in the sea is good when seeing the sea in a predominantly summer, and as for seeing it in winter, it may be an indication of a bad connotation, but I repeat that it is necessary to look at the rest of the symbols of the vision, and from what is said about some of the bad connotations of swimming, diving, or drowning in the sea:
1- Committing sins and major sins, and hope for the Almighty saying: [ مما خطيئاتهم أغرقوا فأدخلوا نارا فلم يجدوا لهم من دون الله أنصارا] Noah: 25
2- Indulging in the world and its pleasures.
But the crossing must beware of it if he sees a vision or a dream that may indicate a bad meaning from it, so that he may distract from the one who crossed it, this bad meaning, God willing
Seeing the sea in a dream indicates that you will hit something that you wished and hoped for, but whoever saw the sea in his dream from a distance, he is about to fall into misfortune and misfortune upon him, because the sea is a great (power) who takes and gives, and many gives and does not take. It is a secret and magic of God in his land. Jaafar Al-Sadiq, may God have mercy on him, said: Seeing the sea in a dream denotes six things: (a king), a ruler, a scientist, a science, money and a great deal of work. The seas are generally at close distances in visions is better, but the aspirations of those who see them are always fulfilled from proximity and (much better than what the seas see from afar and at the limits of sight).
And whoever sees that he is drowning, he will be afflicted with a predominant cloudiness, especially if his water is stagnant or in mud, but if his water is running and drowned in it and he escaped from drowning, then he will be hit by the thing that he wished, and whoever saw that he drowning will drown in some of the worldly matters and perhaps he will gain from it his blessings. And perhaps he was a lot of sins and sins, and God cleansed him from them and washed him with the acceptance of his repentance, and whoever sees that he left the sea safely, then he will befall the (Sultan) good and leave him worry and sadness, and whoever sees that he has drowned in the sea but moves his hands and feet trying to escape from drowning, then he is drowning in something His world is afflicted with riches and something from (the Sultan) and he will have a stake, and if he comes out peacefully and does not drown, he leads to the matter of his worldly affairs and to the reform of his religion and the easing of his worldly life.
If you dreamed of drowning, then this indicates the loss of wealth and life, but if you survived, you will rise from your current description to an affluent and honorable position, and if you see others drowning and you see yourself trying to save them, then this means that you will help a friend to rise to high positions, (and if it is the one you are trying to save From yourself and your family, you will enter happiness and pleasure to the closest people to you, and you will explain yourself with this
Ibn Sirin said about the best vision of drowning in the sea or water in a dream: Whoever sees in a dream that he has drowned in running water and survives, he will get what he wished, and whoever sees that he is drowning, God will cleanse him of his sins and sins, wash him and accept his repentance, and whoever sees that he is drowning will drown in matters The world and one of the blessings may be obtained from it
And whoever escapes and leaves the sea in peace, he will gain from the Sultan something good, and his sadness and delusion will end. And whoever sees that he has drowned in the sea water and has moved his legs and hands to try to escape from drowning, he will drown in worldly matters and be afflicted with wealth and he will be worthy and powerful. And if he comes out of the water in peace and not He will drown, and he will devote himself to the reform of his religion and his world
And whoever sees drowning in a dream and survives, his condition will be facilitated, and whoever sees people drowning while trying to save them, he will help one of his friends to rise to his position and you will be happy and feel happy if that friend is one of your family and those close to you, and whoever drowned in clear water will drown in a lot of money, and whoever gets out of the water and does not drown He has green clothes, and he will reform his religion and obtain piety and knowledge. And whoever is an unbeliever and drowns, he will believe
And he said about the evil of a vision of drowning in a dream: Whoever sees in a dream that he has drowned in muddy or stagnant water, he will be afflicted with grief, and whoever sees drowning in a dream this indicates a loss of life and wealth, and whoever drowns and dies, his enemy will deceive him, and whoever sees in a dream that he drowned will drown in fire. And whoever sees that he is drowning, he will commit many sins, and whoever dies in drowning may expiate or carry out heresy, and whoever drowns and goes down to the bottom of the sea, the Sultan will be angry with him and torment him and die from this torment
Interpretation of drowning in a dream – YouTube
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Types of dreams
- The vision: It is a positive and beloved matter, and it is from God Almighty, and a person may see something that indicates good and God promises him, or God warns man in a vision about something and evil.
- The dream: It is a negative and bad matter, and it is from Satan, God forbid, and a person may see in a dream many things in his life and nightmares in particular, and the Messenger (PBUH) ordered us to seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan and blow on his left three times, where he sees something bad in the dream.
- Pipe dreams: It is not a bad or positive and beloved matter, but rather a group of desires, lusts, or fears present in the subconscious, that is, inside the human being.
Is it permissible to read dream interpretation books, and consider including them?
I do not know of any embarrassment in reading books of interpretation, Ibn Sirin and others. Dream books benefit from the seeker of knowledge, but he does not rely on them but rather with evidence. He must look at the evidence, learn, and look at the clues, and if he is confused about him, he is not certain, he says: Perhaps what is meant is this, if he sees A good vision, thank God for it, such as: He saw that he agreed with him in religion, he saw that he entered Heaven, this praises God for that, he saw that he was righteous to his parents, he saw that he preserves the prayers, all this is good, thank God for that.
If he sees what he hates, such as seeing that he fell into a well, or that he was killed, or that he was drinking wine, or something like that, this is from Satan, if he saw the Prophet النبي to leave his left three times, and say: I seek refuge in God from Satan, and from evil I have not seen – three times – then he turns on his other side; It does not harm him, and he does not tell anyone about it.
The one who crosses the vision looks at what the Prophet said, knows the hadiths received, benefits from the books, but does not depend on the words of so-and-so, relies on hadiths, legal evidence, and legal clues to benefit him, and confirms matters, and the vision only expresses insight, and if in doubt, He says: Perhaps such-and-such, and perhaps such-and-such, and the Prophet When he was asked about the righteous vision, he said: God praises it when he sees what he loves, or what he pleases. ﷺ: If one of you sees something that he hates, let him spit three times on his left, and seek refuge in God from Satan, and from the evil of what he saw – three times – and then turn on his side the other, for it does not harm him, and he does not tell anyone about it. This is a great approach that the Prophet had shown.
O Muslim and Muslim woman: If a person sees what he loves, such as he sees that he prays in a legitimate manner, he sees that he is learning a science that is consistent with religion, he sees that he has entered Paradise, and what is like that of good hypocrisy, he sees that he is sitting with the righteous and the good, he sees that in the circles of knowledge, this is a good vision, praises God, he says: Praise be to God, if he wakes up, praise be to God, he will be pleased with this thing, telling his loved ones and the one he loves, there is nothing wrong with it.
But if he sees what he hates, he sees that he is hitting, or threatening, or that he is with the wicked, or that he entered the fire, or that he is sick, or similar things that are disliked, if he wakes up in fear of them, he hated them, then the Messenger أو had instructed him that: he let go from His left three times, and he says: I seek refuge in God from Satan and the evil of what I saw – three times – then he turns on his other side. It does not harm him, and he does not tell anyone about it and that ﷺ This is from the Devil, that this vision is from the Devil to grieve a person, to harm him, to show him this vision to grieve him to harm him, so Satan should not acknowledge and comfort him, no; Rather, he should be the enemy of Satan, seek refuge in God from Satan, turn away from his left three times, and seek refuge in God from Satan, and from the evil of what he has seen, until Satan provokes, then he turns on his other side, as the Prophet, and does not tell about it, he does not say : I saw I saw, he leaves her, it does not harm him, praise be to God. Yeah.